
Inner Guidance Profile


Receive a 20% discount to $60 with Oasis membership. This 1 hour profile gives  you the Tools to communicate Directly with your Inner Guidance and clarify your true Self, your Inner Direction, and your Fulfillment in Life! Through sensing your 4 Gifts, your balance of Sensitivity and Discernment, and Cleansing of your Aura, you can live by Faith and Confidence, rather than the struggles of Trial and Error! The reality is, when we are centered on our Inner Guidance, everything outside of us ‘works’ beautifully.  Taking the Time and having the Tools, are the keys to living a life of INNER PEACE and ABUNDANCE!

Want a discount? Become a member by purchasing Oasis Membership, or log in if you are a member.



Inside all of us is a Magical place of Answers & Angels!

This 1 hour profile gives  you the Tools to communicate Directly with your Inner Guidance and clarify your true Self, your Inner Direction, and your Fulfillment in Life!

Through sensing your 4 Gifts, your balance of Sensitivity and Discernment, and Cleansing of your Aura, you can live by Faith and Confidence, rather than the struggles of Trial and Error!

The reality is, when we are centered on our Inner Guidance, everything outside of us ‘works’ beautifully.  Taking the Time and having the Tools, are the keys to living a life of INNER PEACE and ABUNDANCE!


  • 3 min technique to completely cleanse and recharge your energy.
  • Understand the gifts of Intuition, Vision, Feeling, & Prophecy.
  • Identifying the amount of Inner Guidance you have and trust it.
  • Releasing anything that may hold you back from Success.
  • A Clear yes and no technique to clarify ‘any’ situation in life.
  • Insight into your Life Purpose and fulfilling your Service.

Remember that you can get a 20% discount to $60 with Oasis membership.

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