About Us

Dennis Gabrial Smith
Dennis began his Spiritual Journey at 18, studying with one of the world’s foremost Wayshowers for 15 years. He traveled the world presenting workshops on Inner Guidance, Life Purpose and Inner Peace, and has been featured in Print, Radio and TV internationally. At the age of 33, he entered the corporate world and found his internal skills transitioned perfectly.
He has consulted with Fortune 75 companies like American Airlines, UPS, Sprint, Hilton as well as top non profits like the Rockefeller Foundation. His purpose is simple now. He is the creator of the Inner Business Guide and founder of the OASIS, a platform for people to develop their Life Purpose into an Abundant Life of Freedom and Joy.
Besides Spirituality and Business, Dennis’ passions are composing piano in nature, learning about love from his 9 year old daughter Sophia, and pretending he is the general manager for his beloved Dallas Cowboys (since they NEED one).
What is the Oasis?
The Oasis began with a group of Sincere spiritual leaders who wanted to live their Spiritual purpose and be Abundant in life. They didn’t want to live two separate lives, one earning a living and another living their passion. The trick was they didn’t want to become Experts and hype people into believing that the answers were not already Within.
This was the birth of the Oasis, an online portal to finding our own Inner Guidance, a clear understanding of the Universe, techniques to free our Soul, and an avenue to SHARE with people around the world. It’s the founder’s beliefs that in sharing our discoveries, is where the real growth is. In fact so much sharing was going on with online Oasis members, a way to pay for the time to support these groups needed to be created.
This is the reason for the Oasis Membership opportunity. It’s set up for people to grow as fast, or as slow as they want. All the Tools, Techniques, and Journeys you can take are set up to Discover who you truly are and what you’ve come to do! We took a step further from there, by launching those spiritual leaders that align with us, into their particular Brand of services. It’s a natural step for our unique wisdom to become our refined abundance in life!
We want to Thank You for EXPLORING with us. We all have an Amazing story, and sharing this and growing with the best tools in the world is our Goal. We invite you to swim around a little in this Oasis. You may find yourself refreshed for the next phase of your Journey or you may even find you are part of the Community that will change this World, from the Inside Out!
In Love and Light,
The Oasis Leadership

Join the Oasis
We are here to Align with others that hear our Call, and to support those that want to be Free Spiritually from within! Join us and receive the Tools and Encouragement to find your PEACE, PURPOSE, and ABUNDANCE in Life.
A spiritual community that’s here to support your connection to the divine.
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