WELCOME to the OASIS – Four Plateaus of Evolution!
As Souls we grow in stages or plateaus, just as everything else in life. Their is a time for Awakening, Apprentice, Journeyman, and Affluence. The OASIS INNER JOURNEYS are designed to allow you to Explore & Discover at the perfect pace you feel comfortable with. Sometimes we need to be gentle with our development, sometimes we need to make major changes! The OASIS will help Open the doors to our LIFE PATH and our INNER GUIDANCE, as we unfold naturally and harmoniously!
Intro to the Universe (read more) Inner Guidance Chart (read more) Groups (read more)
Inner Guidance chart
A map of your Angels, Gifts and Purpose in Life. Techniques to communicate crystal clear with Guidance
Apprentice Plateau
We know we are on a good path. We experience our lessons and growth on a regular basis and commitment to Self grows. We go deeper with our Guidance and the Universe to discover our strengths over time.
Journeyman Plateau
We are beginning to experience the Gift we bring to this World,
and we’re putting all the pieces together. Sharing is the key to growing at this level.
We must pass on our Refined awareness.
Affluence Plateau
This is when we have been Tested and ready for the Greatness of our Being. Opportunity comes to expand greater than we could ever imagine. Abundance is easy with all the steps in place. Includes Coaching and Spotlighting our services in OASIS!