
Chakra Flow Chart


FREE Your Energy to Flow at the Speed of Light!! We are not meant to Suffer in our Life. We are meant to pay to Attention, Understand, and Heal our Life Lessons as they flow through our Body and Energy!!

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We have Access to ALL the forces of the Universe. When we choose to incarnate into a Physical body in this school called Earth, we have 7 major energies that we are balancing and learning through.  They are the gates of our evolvement, and work together as well as individually.  Knowing these energy gates/chakras/glands will enable us to harmonize with our Highest Being and release that which is no longer needed.

We don’t need to suffer from physical pains (pressures, tension, headaches, stomach aches, heart ailments, reproductive issues ect) as their initial response is to Alert us to an issue that is affecting our body.  We can quickly use the powerful techniques in the Chakra Flow chart to heal and align any areas that are off.  Much of the time, this energy is not even ours to deal with!

We also can experience our Energy flowing deeply in all areas so that we are free to move through the environment of earth with clarity and joy.  Understanding at an energetic level what is happening in our 7 energies of 1) Acceptance  2) Wants  3) Needs  4) Identification  5) Drive  6) Relating  7) Sharing enables us to grow at Light Speed.  The Chart itself gives a complete diagnosis of where your energy is flowing and blocked, as well as releases it to be aligned once again.

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